We can help If you need professional photos for your website and social media, from profile and product pictures to landscapes and drone shots. I wouldn’t hire us for your wedding, but we’re ideal if you need high quality pictures with nice lighting and clean postproduction edits.

Website Photography
We can source amazing stock photos for your project but sometimes that just doesn’t cut it, you can give a much more established and personal impression with your own photos. Professional images can really make the difference between a good website and a great one, people like to see who you are and what you do. Professional product images can help increase sales, not only can it make your items more appealing but also makes you stand out from your competitors.

Drone / Aerial Shots
If you want some aerial shots for your business we can help, we have one of the latest DJI drones. You can probably find other companies that specifically specialise in drones, but for creativity and price we’re a good option. If we’re already working on other parts of your project, then it makes perfect sense to let us capture some amazing images and video for your website and socials.

The Basildon Project
We like to work on other projects in our spare time, it helps us improve and learn new skills. One of our photography projects has been taking night photos of Basildon, it’s been well received in the local area and has gained a lot of attention. What makes them unique for photos of Basildon is the way they’ve been edited; we’ve gone for a futuristic cyberpunk vibe inspired by films like Bladerunner. You can view the Basildon Photos project here.